Terrestrial field studies
We have experience with a wide range of field studies and have conducted non-target arthropod field studies, plant community studies as well as residue studies for the risk assessment for birds & mammals.
Our company is located in southern Rhineland Palatinate, an area characterized by a wide variety of cultivated crops ranging from all kind of arable cultures including extensive vegetable farming to orchards and vineyards. We maintain well-established contacts to farmers and are able to provide suitable and large study sites in crops relevant for registration.

Additionally, we started a field station in Sicily (Italy), situated in an area where a wide variety of crops is also available ranging from extensive vegetable and cereal growing to citrus and olive orchards. This allows us to conduct studies in the central and southern zone of Europe, if required even simultaneously.
Our experience and scientific background allows us to develop and adapt test designs to specific requests for higher tier risk assessment solutions. All studies are conducted in accordance with current guidelines.
Our services:
Site scouting for large field studies
In and off-crop non-target arthropods field studies
Residue studies for risk assessment for birds and mammals
Soil organism field studies
Non-target plant mesocosms and field studies
Biodiversity assessments
Monitoring programs for postregistration